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The Tuttle Twins Guide to Modern Villains

Author: Connor Boyack
SKU: guide_villain


What is it about human nature that leads some people to commit unspeakably evil acts?

And, perhaps a more important question for each of us, why do so many people submit to or even support these villains?

World history sadly offers us a long list of dictators and totalitarian thugs who used their power to steal from and oppress their countrymen—and kill those who defied them.

As tragic as these stories all are, they can still offer us lessons to learn from if we try to understand why these people acted the way they did—both those in control and those who were controlled.

These lessons may just have the key we need to help make sure the list of future villains is far shorter than the list in this book.

263 pages of content. Click here to see a sample chapter.


Additional information

Weight .8 lbs
Dimensions 8.25 × 5.3 × 1 in